Sunday, March 21, 2010

Readings Response (3/22)

The most absorbing thing to come out of this week’s readings came from the Hurn and Jay book On Being a Photographer when the authors discuss photography as a cure for shyness. As I read that passage I was struck by the thought that they could be transcribing directly from my own experiences. I very much indentify with the character of the shy photographer who uses the camera as a shield and invisibility cloak. I love finding out about other people’s lives and interacting, but often found myself feeling out of place or lonely in unfamiliar environments. Having a camera solves all of that by giving me a reason to be there and a way to interact naturally. I was very glad to read that others have had that experience.

I also liked the observation at the end of the chapter about photography producing (or at least containing) “curious, tolerant, self-motivated [people] with broad-ranging interests.” I have that impression as well, and I am glad to have the chance to work with so many people who fit that description.

The Chapnick reading on presenting ideas was very helpful and informative as well, and set down some practical rules for submitting strong, well written proposals. I am considering attempting a freelance career, and Chapnick’s suggestions will help improve my pitches considerably.

The Loup Langton reading was also well done, and I agreed with his characterization of journalism as an art that needs to be practiced with compassion and sincerity. I find it extremely offensive when I meet a writer or photographer who doesn’t care for their subjects and hopes to use or manipulate them.  I feel very privileged to have a chance to interact with people in this intimate and personal way, and will always do my best to represent them fairly and accurately in my images.

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